Terms and conditions

Terms of reservation confirmations

For the final confirmation of your booking, advance payment is required. Booking will not be confirmed unless the payment is received. Once you confirm your request for accommodation, we block the property for 24 hours to allow your advance payment to reach us. If the advance payment has been delayed for any reason, please reconfirm availability with our management. All payments include government taxes. Same day arrival check-in is always subject to availability.

If the initially reserved property (for any reason) cannot be used for guests’ accommodation, management will provide an alternative property of the same or higher category, or advance payment will be fully refunded to the guest.

Management has the right to cancel a confirmed booking at any time and for any (no) reason and with no obligations except for refunding any money received earlier.

Additional facilities such as food delivery/taxi/vehicle rentals/coral island trips, etc. are managed by a third party. Therefore the administration of villapattaya.in cannot be liable for the quality of their services.

Outside guests are not allowed in the property without prior notification. If they do so, extra charges are applicable. It may also result in a denial of providing accommodation to the entire group. In this case, a refund will not be provided.

During your stay

In rare cases, incidents may occur as a result of mechanical or human errors. We guarantee that we will fix such issues as soon as possible, depending on the type of the problem.

All our air conditioning systems are serviced and maintained on a regular basis. In case of an unexpected malfunction, it may take 4 hours to 48 hours to fix/repair the problem.

Cable TV and Wi-Fi are provided by a third party, and any problem will be repaired within 24 hours and fixed as per their schedule.

Major issues with water/electricity supply etc. depend on the government and are out of our control.

Minor issues of property can be addressed and solved by the caretaker/manager without delay. If not, please call our customer care administrator on +66649951534

Making an advance payment towards your booking indicates that all guests have read, understood and acknowledged the listed terms and conditions and the rules/regulations of the property.

Cancellation and prepayment policies

Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to property type. Free cancellation is provided 30 days before arrival except for peak season (Songkran, Diwali, Chinese New Year, Christmas and New Year). Please reach us with your stay details and check what conditions apply to your preferred villa.

Looking forward to hosting you in Pattaya.